Thursday, November 29, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

My Afternoon Wake up

Working the night shift, I wake up in the afternoon.  And most of the time, I wake up to THIS in my face!  Bumble... my 15 pound cat!  Willabee my other 15 pounder, is further down.  I also end up having Bocelli up against my back or neck. They are definitely keeping me warm!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bocelli Update

Here's Bocelli still on the mend from his eye injury. It appears that he'll lose his vision out of his left eye as it hasn't improved much... only the swelling. It's staying in the socket, so at least he'll get to keep it! He's acting himself and not having any issues with the lost vision, so all is good in that sense.

Willabee is there keeping him company like a good brother.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Handsome 1st & Q PIII Standard!

Tom Bridge with Fast Clicks Photography captured a moment of time that only shows pure joy from a dog that was kept away from agility way too long. As tears run down my face, my Happy Hands made me proud today and earned a 1st & Q in PIII Standard.

Hands had a beautiful Performance GP run with a missed DW contact. He still received a 1st placing!  No dog Q'd, but he had the fastest time. 
Anyways, I didn't care we missed it, because my boy and I were running together... just for the joy of it. Because you never know when it may be your last.

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Cozy Cats!

Keeping it warm tonight.

Handsome Agility re-debut!

Tomorrow is a very exciting day for me... I get to run agility with my boy!   Due to health reasons, I haven't been able to compete in agility since May.  Handsome hasn't competed in agility since his ADCh over two years ago.  It's a thrill to know that I can run again and run again with the boy who started it all.

We are doing the KFA USDAA trial in Frankston.  We are entered only in two events... Performance GP and III Standard.  Gorgie will be running with Elizabeth Evans in Championship in those two events, which are needed for WT tryouts.

It will be good to see my agility friends again.  I'll be the one with the smile on my face while running a Handsome dog... no matter how it goes!

The photo below was taken a year ago which completely shows the love I have for my boy named Handsome.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Handsome's Herding Trial

Well today we are coming home with a 3rd place in Advanced A course sheep.  We did much better today as well as the sheep.  Yesterday it was so windy it made the sheep very light.  Handsome qualified yesterday, but didn't place.

We did debut in Advanced B course sheep on Saturday. which I ended up calling his run... we just weren't ready.  We will next year when we trial next!

Below is a photo of Handsome at Lonesome Bull Ranch in October.

Gorgeous Susan Garrett Seminar

Gorgie is home from the three day Susan Garrett seminar she had a working spot with Elizabeth Evans.  Here's a video they were learning a new move with the command called "la la la" (I think).  It's the move before the tunnel.   Susan Garrett says they were perfect!!!  :-D  {{proud mom here}}

Friday, November 9, 2012


This weekend is Handsome's debut in B course sheep. I only entered him in Saturday, as I really don't feel we're ready. At least this will give us an opportunity to see what we need to work on. He's only practice the whole B course once and it wasn't pretty. We'll see what we can do as my only goal is to finish the course with a possible shed. He's entered in Advanced. He's also entered in Advanced A course sheep both days.

Gorgie and Elizabeth Evans will continue their working spot at the Susan Garrett seminar at BF3.

*photo taken at the ranch west of Houston.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Kyle Smith Herding Clinic

Handsome and I are home from the Kyle Smith Herding Clinic. It was a nice weekend just me and my boy. I can't remember when I've done that! I don't think ever since I got Gorgie!

Handsome worked really nice!  I feel more confident now for this coming weekend's trial.  He will debut in B Course starting in Advanced. 

Photo taken at the Lonesome Bull Ranch in New Ulm.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Gorgeous Sheep Herding

Here's a few photos from last weekends herding trial.

Photo images taken by Pat Corl from Field & Ranch Photography.

Weekend of Herding & Agility!

This weekend is fun filled... too bad I can't be at two places at once. Handsome and I have a working spot at the Kyle Smith Herding Clinic in Van Alstyne and Gorgeous and Elizabeth Evans will be competing at the Happy Hounds Agility Trial
in Prosper. Second weekend for them to compete. They got two practices in since the last trial a couple of weeks ago. The new Team Gorgeous is ready and looking better and better!

Photo was taken from last weekend's trip in New Ulm.

Leaf Art

I found a leaf on the ground which appeared to have a face.  So, I gave it some legs and created an owl out of it. 

I also added the leaf heart I found while hiking with the pups on Valentine's Day.  Love isn't always in the air... it can be on the ground too. :-D