It's not always the length that matters... it's the size!
Whoops! I forgot to end the application when we were done. The red line shows me driving away!
There is no better way of starting (or ending) your morning, then watching a sunrise with your best friend.
Oh Miss Gorgie!
After we caught the sunrise at the park, we headed to Alamar Farm for some sheep herding. It was perfect out! I took this photo with my iPhone. Gorgeous herding!
this is a picture of one happy dog! Look at that curled tail! I must
say that Handsome had trouble turning this stick sideways to get between
some trees in the trails. He eventually gave up and switched to
another more reasonably sized stick.
Gorgie's version...
I took this before the sun rose over the clouds. It was so tranquil.
“We need to be reminded sometimes that a sunrise last but a few minutes.
But its beauty can burn in our hearts eternally.”
― R.A. Salvatore
and it was Gorgeous this morning... caught on film!
“A Sunrise is God's way of saying, "Let's start again.”
― Todd Stocker
and Handsome is ready!!!
Last year on Christmas day we were blessed with snow. Gorgie was thrilled and was trying to catch the snowflakes... or just enjoying the spirit of Christmas! Catch it! You won't be disappointed!