Saturday, September 27, 2014


One of the pleasures of staying up all night, is getting to see this in the morning.  Beautifully amazing.


How's that working out for you Bumble?
Lord Bumble

Sir Willabee

Friday, September 26, 2014

Today's Pup Portrait - Sister Grove Park

It was really lovely out today.  Nice hike.

My Bad A$$ dog and his stick...

A Gorgeous reflection...

"There are always flowers for those who want to see them."

  -Henri Matisse

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Today's Pup Portrait - Sister Grove Park

My view...

Yes... it can be a jungle out there!

Early Birthday Party

Last night at work, we celebrated my birthday a week early with a CCC cake and pizza! We also had Texas Sheet cake and chocolate muffins. I really enjoyed the food and the company! Still I'm ready to get back on the juice. Next binge is at the State Fair of Texas ON my birthday!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Today's Pup Portrait - Sister Grove Park

This is one very photographic dog. Too bad he loathes the camera. Silly boy.

We cut the hike short as Handsome started limping.  At least we were near a cut through and was able to get to the car quickly.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

31 days of Juicing!

After tonight, THIS is what I've been drinking for the past 31 days (I still can't believe I did it). Nothing but juiced vegetables, fruits, with blended seeds and nuts. Trying to take back my health through good nutrition! I'm going to continue doing this and every so often add a meal or two of low human intervention foods... and of course every so often high ones too (State fair and my birthday are coming up). Anyways, I like how it makes me feel. It's nice not to be addicted to fats, salt, sugar and caffeine anymore.

I used the Super Juice Me 28 day program with Jason Vale. I downloaded the application to my devices, and it comes with tons of videos, recipes, encouragement, and a weekly grocery list. The application was better than buying a book and well worth the $15 spent. Jason Vale is a hoot too!

So what do I crave? A big hot roasted chicken! No CCC's, pizza or ice cream... just hot roasted chicken. It's weird that I haven't used my microwave or oven for 31 days.

So how much weight did I lose? I lost 19 pounds... the weight I gained when I was sick. I'm at my normal weight now, so any weight lost after this will be a bonus. My goal would be 24 more... and I think I can do it. Actually I know I can.


Bed Sheets and a Cat

Trying to change the bed sheets with a cat is impossible!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Handsome SQ'ed!

We came, we ran, we conquered!!! 

We went to the Happy Hounds Agility trial to run Snooker to try for the very coveted Super Q and we did it! Now all Hands has left for his Performance Championship is one more dreaded SQ and his PADCH run which will be Pairs with sister Gorgie! Same pairs partner when he received his ADCH. 



Aww... cute fuzzy paws!

"Wassup dawg."

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Today's Pup Portrait - Sister Grove Park

Left on a whim to the park this afternoon.  I didn't feel like bringing the heavy DSLR  camera, so I just took some photos using my iPhone camera.