Saturday, January 24, 2015

Gorgie being a Rockstar today!

I took the pups to the Happy Hounds agility trail today just to do Snooker.  Handsome needs a super Q for his Performance Championship.  I entered Gorgie just to pad the class and her points would be one point less than Handsome.  This would give him a better chance of getting the SQ, as they combine the 20inch class with the 16inch class due to lack of entries.

Well Gorgie joined the 0 points Snooker Club!  She knocked the first bar and went into the tunnel which was close by and the 2nd obstacle I was going towards.  Oh well.

On the closing with Handsome,  I stopped by a jump I didn't want him to take and was facing it.  Well he jumped it.  I should have just ran to the next obstacle and not try to micro manage the nearby jump.  Another oh well.

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