Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Video of Handsome's PVP Team Relay Finals!

I never thought I would get to any of the final events in CYNOSPORT... it was only a dream and with a different dog. One thing I did learn is that you don't need a fast dog to get you there. Handsome and teammate Senna proved that with efficiency it can be done.

Thanks to Elizabeth Evans who believed from the start that Handsome could be a national finalist! We did it!

Here's the video of Handsome and Senna running one of the most coveted events in the USDAA dog agility world.


A well deserved hike today!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dog Agility World Championships - Last Day

We ran Performance and Masters Challenge Standard this morning.  Gorgie was all over the place, but it looked like she was enjoying herself while doing it.  Nice way to end her national's!
Also another nice way to end "my" national's is forgetting the sequence with Handsome, NOT! I can't believe I completely passed a jump! Well... yes I can as it seems to be a trend for me in the past year. crap. I still don't know what I was thinking other than I was really tired and all the runs were mixing together. Still... I ran it with Gorgie already and saw others run it 100+ times. Too bad as it was going nice for him. He placed 21st with three faults... at least we weren't eliminated.

Handsome ended up in 9th place for the Biathlon Performance Masters Challenge. I wonder what placing he would have gotten if I didn't pull him away from the jump in Standard... such a bummer.
Here's a great moment for me.  While Handsome and I were sitting around in the stands waiting for our run, he was rooing to me.  Like many times... more than normal.  He had the Happy Hands face on.  It looked like he was having a really good time.  He was probably saying to me "we really had a great week Mom... I hope I made you proud."  Well he did.

Thank y'all for your wonderful comments, encouraging words, and support.  Thanks also for taking the time to read about my first experience at a national event with my dogs.  Funny thing if you would have told me a year ago when I was trying to get my health back, that I was going to CYNOSPORT and compete in one of the final's, I would have said you lost your marbles!

Well I am blessed for sure and grateful in all that has been given to me.  I'll post video of our final's run and of the weeks events later along with action photos.

Here's a picture of today's Pup Portrait brought to you by the great state of Texas!  We were very excited to reach the Texas border as we were traveling back home.

Handsome a National Finalist!

Handsome and his teammate Senna (handler Debbie Spence) are National Finalist in the USDAA Dog Agility World Championships!  They ended up in 16th place out of 178 dogs and got to run relay under lights this past night.

Here again is their team photo!

Dog Agility World Championships - Day Four

Dog Agility World Championships Day four - Gosh where do I begin... so much has happened today.  I'll start with one of yesterday's results with Handsome.  He was .86 seconds for making time in Performance Masters Challenge.  No Q, but he got 6th place!

Gorgie's had a fault in both her Team Standard run and Grand Prix Semi finals.  Even though we faulted in the GP SF run, that was one heck of a ride Miss Gorgie!  Oh and she did fantastic when I worked her on the sheep they had out there!

Handsome ran his PV Standard run clean.  I front crossed too much to get to the teeter and almost put him over a nearby jump.  Luckily I was able to get him back, but it cost us time.  We ended up in 20th place.  In PV Jumpers we had one bar and ended up in 23rd place from 9th with the extra 5 seconds added on.

Handsome's team "High Speed" was in 37th place as of yesterday.  I thought the knocked bar with the added time would not help us to move up.  So I went back to the hotel and started to unload and relax for the evening.  Well what a surprise when I saw the Performance Versatility Team report and saw that we were in 16th place out of 178 teams!!!  Back to the trial site to run relay under the lights with the other 23 other teams that made the cut!  Now THAT was freak'n awesome running in that event.  I still hear the cheering in my head.  Thank you friends!

One of the coolest parts was walking towards the arena to do our run.  It was dark, quiet, no agility equipment, and very few people in the first part.  Then as I continued to walk... I heard the people cheering for the other teams running, and then I came into the light.  I was overwhelmed with emotions and stunned still that we were a part of this.  No more doubting Handsome... ever!

Thank you Handsome for making yet another big event awesome and memorable. 

Two more runs tomorrow morning!  Performance and Masters Challenge Standard.  

Here's a photo of the sheep and arena that I got to work my dogs in between agility runs.  Wow, best of both worlds out here!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Dog Agility World Championships - Day Three

Dog Agility World Championships Day three - Today I really really enjoyed myself!  I had SIX RUNS!  They were perfectly spread out too with Gorgie running her three in the morning and Handsome running his three in the afternoon.  Handsome was first up in all of his runs.  That let me have time to savor the moment with him at the start line while they were setting up his jump height.  Unforgettable moments with my boy.

Here's the run down... Gorgie's Team Gamblers could have placed her in the top ten (all results not in) if she got her DW contact.  We were messy in the Masters Challenge Jumpers and a bar in Steeplechase Quarter Finals.

Handsome started off with Performance Speed Jumping Quarter Finals where he passed a jump.  I got him back on line, but we lost too much time... clean otherwise!  Next was Performance Masters Challenge Jumpers which he was clean in!  Last was Performance Gamblers which he ran my plan faster than I thought.  I was able to add a couple more jumps at the end.  In the closing he past the last jump!  I was scrambling to get him over it to stop the clock... we made it!  Whew!  Not sure on results of the last two runs as they're not posted yet.

I'm ready for another fabulous day tomorrow!  So glad I'm here!  Wonderful site to trial in, and I love the cold weather!  

Here's our morning Pup Portrait...

Here's our night Pup Portrait...

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dog Agility World Championships - Day Two

Dog Agility World Championships Day two - Gorgie's Team Snooker was going great until she knocked #4 bar in the closing.  In Team Jumpers, I noticed a lot of dogs knocking the first bar.  When I was up, I saw the hole everyone was talking about before the jump.  I knew this wasn't good for us and I was right... she knocked the first bar.  I was so frazzled that I put her in the wrong end of the tunnel... crap. 

Now for the main man...  In PVP Snooker, Handsome and his teammate Senna ran the same plan, and both ran out of time in the last half of #7... crap and so close!  Still we gathered some good points!

Now for the most thrilling part of the day... running Performance Grand Prix Semi Finals with Handsome.  I made sure I remembered every moment of that run... what a high I was on.  We were clean! 

And one of the best parts of that run was seeing my friend and instructor Elizabeth Evans at the end.  It reminded me of my first private lesson with EE when Handsome was over a year old and I was clueless in agility.  When she saw Handsome work, she told me that she could see me taking him to the National's.  I was awestruck and inspired ever since.  Thanks EE for believing in us... we did it!

Here's today's Pup Portrait brought to you by Murfreesboro, TN!

Also, we got another member for our team!  They added a dog that his name started with a "G."  So GGG Force is back in business!!!

CYNOSPORT World Games Results!

Results from yesterday... Handsome received 9th place in Performance Speed Jumping. Gorgie received 24th in Steeplechase and 10th in Grand Prix out of 200 dogs!!!

Here's their bling!  I even got a polo shirt to run Handsome in the Grand Prix Semifinals which he already had a bye for!

Gorgie's GP polo shirt is blue!  Whoops, added the wrong ribbon with it from above.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dog Agility World Championships - Day One

Dog Agility World Championships Day one - My boy Handsome had a great and clean run in Performance Speed Jumping quarter finals.  So good as we get to move up to the semi finals!  Woot!

Gorgie was awesome... so much so I don't even remember it.  Call it fast and furious!  Her time was around a second from the top dogs in both Steeplechase and Grand Prix.  Now she too gets to move up to the semi finals!  Double Woot

Here's a photo of my dogs just chill'n waiting for their next run!

Here's a photo I took of three out of the five rings running. Pretty cool!

We made it!!!

We made it to Murfreesboro, TN yesterday where the dog agility championship will be held.  An easy drive which only took 9 1/2 hours... 10 if I count the stops.

When I walked into the Tennessee Miller Coliseum, I was wow'ed!  This is what I saw...
I can't believe I'm here!
Elizabeth Armstrong and I got the dog's stall all set up for the week.  It's in the first row with just minutes to the arenas.

Last night they finished setting up three of the rings.  The other two are right before it which makes it very nice having them all in the same building.  Some of my walk throughs and runs are close together, so I'm very grateful!

Yesterday's Pup Portrait!

The hotel is nice and little over ten minutes away.  Nice to be able to drive up to the door of the room.  Easy for me to unload and load.

Handsome was knocked out already!

Today are walk throughs are around noon and Handsome is first to the line around 2:30PM running Performance Speed Jumping quarter finals.  Gorgie will be up next in Steeplechase quarter finals and then Grand Prix quarter finals.  Should be fun!

Monday, October 21, 2013

One more training session!

CYNOSPORT World Games!

I travel early tomorrow morning to Murfressboro, TN for the dog agility world championships better knows as CYNOSPORT World Games!  I'm bringing both Handsome and Gorgeous with me.  

Handsome is in performance and is teaming with Senna and Debbie Spence.  Our team name is "High Speed" using the first initial of each dog's name.

Gorgie is in championship and unfortunately one of her team members was injured and is unable to attend.  Our team name was GGG Force... now we need another G.  So it will be Grissom with Elizabeth Armstrong and hopefully another member.  I'm hoping they won't split us apart.

Here is Handsome's team photo!

Here's our shirts my mom made for us!  It's a black shirt with our team name on the back.

Here was Gorgie's team photo, but Gilley is on the injured list.  :-(

My mom didn't want Gorgie and I to be without a team shirt, so she made this one for us!  Team or no team!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Handsome's AKC Course A Duck Debut Video!

I had a fabulous weekend with my dogs.  Handsome did his debut with herding ducks and did great with the little training we had before the trial.  We completed the whole course yesterday which I wasn't expecting, so it was a nice surprise!  Today we got through over half the course as it was very windy which made it difficult to move the ducks.  Only one dog qualified and Handsome completed more than most.  So we did pretty good!

Gorgie received a 4th place in Advanced Course A sheep yesterday and today she received 2nd!  With today's run, we accumulated 3 points for her championship title which makes our total up to 8 so far!  We need 15 and a couple of 1st places with one being a major... so we are getting there!

Here's a video of part of Handsome's run yesterday on ducks.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Daily Hike!

Here we are about to head into the trails!

Here we are coming out of the trails!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013