Friday, October 25, 2013

Dog Agility World Championships - Day Three

Dog Agility World Championships Day three - Today I really really enjoyed myself!  I had SIX RUNS!  They were perfectly spread out too with Gorgie running her three in the morning and Handsome running his three in the afternoon.  Handsome was first up in all of his runs.  That let me have time to savor the moment with him at the start line while they were setting up his jump height.  Unforgettable moments with my boy.

Here's the run down... Gorgie's Team Gamblers could have placed her in the top ten (all results not in) if she got her DW contact.  We were messy in the Masters Challenge Jumpers and a bar in Steeplechase Quarter Finals.

Handsome started off with Performance Speed Jumping Quarter Finals where he passed a jump.  I got him back on line, but we lost too much time... clean otherwise!  Next was Performance Masters Challenge Jumpers which he was clean in!  Last was Performance Gamblers which he ran my plan faster than I thought.  I was able to add a couple more jumps at the end.  In the closing he past the last jump!  I was scrambling to get him over it to stop the clock... we made it!  Whew!  Not sure on results of the last two runs as they're not posted yet.

I'm ready for another fabulous day tomorrow!  So glad I'm here!  Wonderful site to trial in, and I love the cold weather!  

Here's our morning Pup Portrait...

Here's our night Pup Portrait...

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