Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dog Agility World Championships - Last Day

We ran Performance and Masters Challenge Standard this morning.  Gorgie was all over the place, but it looked like she was enjoying herself while doing it.  Nice way to end her national's!
Also another nice way to end "my" national's is forgetting the sequence with Handsome, NOT! I can't believe I completely passed a jump! Well... yes I can as it seems to be a trend for me in the past year. crap. I still don't know what I was thinking other than I was really tired and all the runs were mixing together. Still... I ran it with Gorgie already and saw others run it 100+ times. Too bad as it was going nice for him. He placed 21st with three faults... at least we weren't eliminated.

Handsome ended up in 9th place for the Biathlon Performance Masters Challenge. I wonder what placing he would have gotten if I didn't pull him away from the jump in Standard... such a bummer.
Here's a great moment for me.  While Handsome and I were sitting around in the stands waiting for our run, he was rooing to me.  Like many times... more than normal.  He had the Happy Hands face on.  It looked like he was having a really good time.  He was probably saying to me "we really had a great week Mom... I hope I made you proud."  Well he did.

Thank y'all for your wonderful comments, encouraging words, and support.  Thanks also for taking the time to read about my first experience at a national event with my dogs.  Funny thing if you would have told me a year ago when I was trying to get my health back, that I was going to CYNOSPORT and compete in one of the final's, I would have said you lost your marbles!

Well I am blessed for sure and grateful in all that has been given to me.  I'll post video of our final's run and of the weeks events later along with action photos.

Here's a picture of today's Pup Portrait brought to you by the great state of Texas!  We were very excited to reach the Texas border as we were traveling back home.

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